最近更新: 2015-04-16

我的源碼的 Github 搬移記錄

今年3月13日,我收到一封來自 Google Code 的電子郵件,它通知我 Google Code 要停止服務了。

Earlier today, Google announced we will be turning down Google Code Project Hosting. The service started in 2006 with the goal of providing a scalable and reliable way of hosting open source projects. Since that time, millions of people have contributed to open source projects hosted on the site.

But a lot has changed since 2006. In the past nine years, many other options for hosting open source projects have popped up, along with vibrant communities of developers. It’s time to recognize that Google Code’s mission to provide open source projects a home has been accomplished by others, such as GitHub and Bitbucket.

真是麻煩啊。幸好還有一年的時間可以轉移。我花了30分鐘慎重評估 SourceForge 和 Github 後,我選定 Github 放置我的源碼。理由嘛,它沒有廣告。因為我打算把以往寫的程式統一集中在一個儲存庫,而不再分案放置,所以我沒有使用 google code 好心提供的匯出到 github 功能。不過我是個懶人,所以就一項一項慢慢搬囉。


樂多舊網址: http://blog.roodo.com/rocksaying/archives/44117276.html

未留名 (#comment-25313208)
Thu, 16 Apr 2015 17:54:08 +0800